
Amend2 AR-15 30 Round Magazine – 2 pack

Original price was: $31.99.Current price is: $27.99.

The Amend2 30 round magazine is a sturdy, reliable 5.56×45 NATO (.223 Remington) AR15/M4/M16 magazine made of advance polymer material. It is a light, durable and excellent alternative to the standard M4/M16 USGI aluminum magazine.

This package includes both “Keep America Great” and “Trump 2020” labeled magazines.

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  • Sturdy Impact resistance polymer with textured grip
  • Anti-tilt super follower
  • Heavy duty, non-memory, and non-corrosive stainless steel spring
  • Made in the U.S.A.
  • Material able to cerakote
  • 2-pack (1-Keep America Great, and 1-Trump 2020)

Please note that there are two different designs, both included in this 2 pack. These fully-functional AR-15 magazines display “TRUMP 2020” and “KEEP AMERICA GREAT” on the sides of their magazines. Also, instead of the typical Amend2 baseplate, it features a Red “T” baseplate design.

This Trump magazine keeps the iconic red follower, you’ll easily see if you’re short on rounds. Made of advanced polymer material, this makes them incredibly light, robust – an easy alternative to standard metal magazines. Lastly, with its classic Amend2 textured grip, anti-tilt super follower, and a ultra-durable stainless steel spring, it proudly represents what country it was made in – the USA. Make sure to pick up some Amend2 Trump 2020 Ar-15 30 round magazines before they’re all gone!